Sexual intercourse

Having sexual intercourse unprotected by a condom is the most common way to contract a sexually transmissible infection (STI).

You are running a risk when: You protect yourself when:
  • you don’t use a condom during sexual intercourse;
  • you have unprotected oral-genital intercourse, i.e. contact between the mouth and the genital organs (penis, vulva, vagina) or the anus;
  • you don’t use a condom throughout sexual intercourse;
  • you don’t use a condom with all your sexual partners;
  • you have several sexual partners.
  • you use a condom before any contact between the penis, the mouth, the vagina or the anus;
  • you use a condom from start to finish of sexual intercourse;
  • you use a condom with all your sexual partners;
  • before your stop using a condom with a new partner, you have a screening test done.

Actual experiences

The personal testimonies have been inspired by real situations.

A condom with my ex?

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I’ve just got back together with my girlfriend again. We didn’t go out together for a few months, but before that, we were together for a year. We didn’t use a condom because she was taking the pill and we were faithful to each other. Some people have told me that she’s been with other guys since we broke up. We’re supposed to see each other on the weekend and I was wondering if I should use a condom. Thank you in advance for your answer.

Re: A condom with my ex?

There is in fact a risk in having sexual intercourse without a condom because you don’t know whether your girlfriend had sexual intercourse with other people during your separation. What about you? Have you had sexual intercourse with other people?

Even if you have already had a stable, faithful relationship, you don’t know what has happened between then and now. In this situation, it’s better to protect yourself. The best thing to do is to talk about it with your girlfriend.

It would be a good thing to get a screening test done together. You’ll be clear in your own mind about it, and when you have your results, you can choose what sort of protection and contraception suits you best. Between now and then, don’t forget to use a condom every time you have intercourse.

A condom for oral sex?

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Hi! I have a question: should I ask my boyfriend to put on a condom before I give him a blow job? I wouldn’t like to get an STI. Can you catch an STI through the mouth?

Re: A condom for oral sex?

Some STIs can be contracted during oral sex, even if the person shows no symptoms. The risks are low but real nonetheless.

Using a condom for oral sex offers effective protection. Besides, flavoured condoms are designed for this and come in a variety of flavours.

Lack of feeling

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I’m a 15 year old girl who is going out with a boy that I really, really like. We’ve started having sex together and have tried a condom. The problem is that he tells me that he hates doing it with a condom because he doesn’t feel anything. So, the compromise that we’ve found is for him to put on the condom just before he ejaculates. Am I protected anyway?

Re: Lack of feeling

Removing the penis before ejaculation doesn’t protect you effectively against pregnancy or STIs. Semen can be released by the penis before ejaculation and lead to pregnancy. When the penis touches the vaginal mucous membranes or invisible lesions, it can also transmit an STI.

To provide effective protection from unwanted pregnancy or an STI, a condom must be used before any contact between the penis, the mouth, the vagina or the anus from start to finish of sexual intercourse.

Did you know that there are many types of condom, including thinner ones or ones that increase sensations both for boys and for girls? It’s worth trying different condom types and brands to find the one that suits you.

Getting help

To get a screening test

  • Call Info-Santé 8-1-1
  • Talk it over with the nurse in your school or CLSC
  • Talk it over with your doctor


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