Drug consumption

Sharing injection or inhalation equipment to take drugs like cocaine, heroin or steroids presents the risk of contracting several sexually transmissible and blood-borne infections (STBBI) like the hepatitis B and C viruses and HIV.

You are running a risk when: You protect yourself when:
  • you share drug injection or inhalation equipment including syringes, straws and crack pipes.
  • you wash your hands before preparing and consuming your drugs;
  • you only use new equipment to prepare your drugs and consume them, and you use the recuperation containers available free of charge in some community organizations, pharmacies and CLSCs.
  • you collect used syringes in an unsafe way.
  • you get in touch with Info‑Santé 8‑1‑1 for information on the safe way to collect used syringes and where to get rid of them.

Actual experiences

The personal testimonies have been inspired by real situations.

Coke at parties

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Hi! I’ve sometimes had coke at parties with friends from the cegep. Nobody is an addict; we just do it from time to time to have fun when someone brings some. But it freaks out my girlfriend who tells me that I could even catch an STBBI. Isn’t it just junkies who can pick up STBBIs this way?

Re: Coke at parties

You run the risk of contracting an STBBI when more than one person uses the same drug injection or inhalation equipment. This equipment may have been in contact with the blood of someone who used it before you did. Blood, even in minimal quantities, may be present on the straw, the syringe or the crack pipe that you share with other people during these parties.

Maybe you know the risks associated with taking drugs… it’s better to avoid taking them. If you consume drugs by injection or inhalation, use your own equipment and avoid sharing it.

Hard to use a condom when you’ve had too much to drink or taken too many drugs

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Hi! After a party, I found myself at a girl’s place and we made love without a condom. We didn’t have any with us, and I have to admit that we’d had quite a bit to drink. She said that she was “safe”. So I thought, why not. I think that I’ve caught something. What should I do.

Re: Hard to use a condom when you’ve had too much to drink or taken too many drugs

Drinking alcohol or taking drugs is one of the main reasons to use a condom. When you drink or take drugs, you listen less to your “inner voice”, which tells you to pay attention. We’re less careful and might do things that we wouldn’t normally do, like having sexual intercourse and not using a condom.

There is, in fact, a risk in having sexual intercourse without a condom. It would be a good thing to get a screening test done. You’ll be clear in your own mind.

At parties, if you drink alcohol or take drugs, do it with moderation. Nothing stops you from not having a condom on hand either.

Syringe found at my place after a party

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I had a party last night at our place and this morning, I found a syringe under the sofa. I absolutely have to get rid of it but I don’t know how or where to put it. What should I do.

Re: Syringe found at my place after a party

As you seem to know, it’s dangerous to handle a used syringe. To know how to get rid of it safely, get in touch with Info-Santé 8-1-1. The nurse will tell you what steps to take.

Getting help

To get a screening test

  • Call Info-Santé 8-1-1
  • Talk it over with the nurse in your school or CLSC
  • Talk it over with your doctor


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